My project will be called Project Runway Tokyo Style, and it will explore the fashion world of SHibuya and Harajiku. There are two main groups of girls I will focus my topic on how they differ and compare. The main outlook of this project is to open the minds of those who only know about New York fashion or etc. This project will not only have pictures and information, but two mankins dressed as the Shibuya girls, and the other as the Harajiku girls. I will also make this project more into a glossary of names that are referred to the girls they call in Shibuya and in Harajiku. People can get more of an idea of how fashion in Japan is an important aspect of Japanese girl's lives.
This project will have images of the women in Shibuya, and photos of their entire wardrobes. I will also get the hang out spots they usually hang out and the hours they stay in the streets of Shibuya. The girls in Harajiku will be photographed as well and I will take photos of their hang out spots and their whereabouts throughout Harajiku.
The manikins will be on the opposite side of each other and the projects information and photos will be in the middle of the two manikins. One of the manikins will have similar clothing like the Shibuya girls and the other manikin as the Harajiku girls. The manikins will also have the fake hair that the actual girls wear and the make up as well.